Friday, 20 April 2012

Confused Soul

There are so many decisions to be made in life. A body of ours is connected to so many floating objects in this world. At some time we are friends, while sometimes a brother, a son, a cousin, a nephew, a boyfriend, etc. These connections attract us from different directions and compel us to perform differently in different situations.

Its quite ironic that people keep running after something and when they are old, about to die, ask themselves, what have I done in my life?

Coming back to decisions, they change every moment. We change our mind every now and then. There are so many things to be done in this 'only one' life and still we fail to do even one.

One fine morning, I asked myself, what is the purpose of this life? Why am I living here? Why am I getting up every morning? What makes me dream at nights? Is it money? Is it serving the nation? Is it myself?

The questions remains unanswered. Hence, this is life is still non-directional, aimless, purposeless. Why do we do what we do? Unless we have a clear goal, how can we do what we do ! Where is the end of all this? It is still a mystery.

One question in my mind that keeps coming up - what am I going to do after my graduation? Is it the service to this nation that I want, Is it fulfilling my parent's desires and needs? Is it earning lots and lots of money? Is it doing a job in one of the multinational companies? Is it going abroad for higher studies? If higher studies then MBA or Engineering? It still remain unanswered !

Why I did what I did till now? Partly because my parents wanted me to and partly because I was passionate, which I lately came to know about ! What is next? Who decides that? How do we decide that?It still remain unanswered?

Lets start a company ! Lets be an entrepreneur, Lets solve problems, was a dream ! Is it a feasible option? Will my parents agree to that? It still remain unanswered !

So far so good ! Lets see what this life has got for us ! We obviously need to mould it as per our desires and needs !

Living the moment !
